
2020 Ballots – Get to know your Judges

2020 Ballots – Get to know your Judges

2020 ballot get to know your judges

A lot of the time, voters skip over this section on their ballot because they do not know enough about the Judges. Because these races are non-partisian (as all judges should be) there is no easy way to decide if you support them. We even found a wide range of debate over these judges within our own group of Democrats!

So, we have put together a list of judges running in Pinellas County along with a few things to note about each one. Please read through and make up your own mind. Remember, this is a job interview and these positions have consequences!

Carlos Muniz

Supreme Court Judge

  • Appointed in 2019 by Governor Ron DeSantis.
  • Federalist Society* member
    (* The Federalist Society is an organization of conservatives and libertarians that advocate for a textualist and originalist interpretation of the United States Constitution.)
  • Voted AGAINST the Ban Assault Weapons NOW initiative.
  • Voted with majority to argue felons who have served their sentences must pay all fines and fees before being allowed to vote
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Drew Atkinson

Second Court of Appeals

  • Appointed by Governor Rick Scott.
  • Federalist Society* member
    ( * The Federalist Society is an organization of conservatives and libertarians that advocate for a textualist and originalist interpretation of the United States Constitution.)
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Morris Silberman

Second Court of Appeals

  • Appointed 2001 by Governor Jeb Bush.
  • High level of civic engagement
  • Noted as “highly respected” by the Daily Kos
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Daniel Sleet

Second Court of Appeals

  • Appointed 2012 by Governor Rick Scott
  • Ruled in the past require parental consent for minors seeking abortion
  • Voted in favor of case bolstering stand-your-ground laws which was later found unconstitutional.
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Andrea Teves Smith

Second Court of Appeals

  • Appointed 2019 by Governor Rick Scott
  • Due to her recent appointment, there is no additional information about her record.
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